Dr. R.C. Anderson, Ph.D.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Amateur Radio Disaster Preparedness Scottish Kilts Scottish History & Heritage Smoking Pipes Martial Arts Road Cycling and much more

72-Hour Emcomms Kit
This guide is a recommended items list to set up an Emcomms Station and keep you relatively comfortable for at least 72-hours. Feel free to add or remove items as necessary.
Copy of Amateur Radio License
ARES / RACES / REACT Identification Card, if appropriate
Warm jacket
Sturdy work shoes or boots
Extra socks and underwear
Extra pants and shirts
Rain suit
Hat with wide brim
Work gloves
Reflective vest (Deployment Vest)
Blanket or sleeping bag
Folding cot or plastic tarp for ground cover
Miscellaneous Items
Spare eyeglasses or contacts and solution
Cash, including small bills and coins for public phones, etc.
Space Blanket
Small refillable water bottle
Large trash bags
Flashlight w/extra batteries (white LED type preferred)
100 feet of 550 Paracord (the good stuff is the 7 strand MIL-C-5040H Type III)
Swiss army knife and/or Leatherman-type multi tool
Screwdrivers, Phillips and flat
Needle nose pliers
Vise Grips
Diagonal cutter
Crescent adjustable wrench
Electrical tape
VOM multimeter
Duct tape
Crimper and wire stripper
Soldering Iron w/solder
Assorted adapters, connectors, nails, screws
VHF/UHF Radio Equipment
VHF / UHF radio
HandiTalkie (dual band if possible)
Spare battery packs (charged) or AA-cell battery adapter with extra batteries
Mobile Radio (dual band if possible)
Switching power supply (A/C)
50 feet extension cord
Multi-outlet power strip
Operating Station Equipment
Notebook or paper pad
Pens and pencils, including a larger marker pen
Clip board
Maps (BRYAN’S Sectional Map)
Blank message forms
Printed list of local frequencies
Printed list of ITU Phonetics
Printed list of Q-Signals
Printed list of QN Signals
Printed list of ARL Codes
Printed list of Emergency Phone Numbers
Paperweights, to keep all the forms and other papers from blowing around.
Computer Equipment
Laptop for digital and email (optional)
Laptop computer pre-loaded with ham programs, etc
Laptop power supply and cord
Power strip (surge protected)
Optional UPS Backup
USB or desk lamp
Connection cables from laptop to rig
Interface unit (ex: Signalink, RadioBoss, RigBlaster, etc.)
Optional items
Nut Driver set
Folding set of Allen/Torx wrenches
50Ft Roll of Zip Cord
Transistor radio
HF Radio Items
HF rig (12V dc preferred) with:
Antenna tuner with built-in SWR meter
Key or paddle
Head phones
Headset adapter (Heil)
External speaker
Antennas, Tuner and Coax
50 ft and 100ft rolls of RG8X or better
NVIS antenna: (NOT a mobile vertical)
75m dipole w/ ladder line or 130 ft of wire or equivalent
3 Masts, 8 ft or more, preferably non-conductive
Guy rope
Pegs for guy lines
Lead weight and 50 ft light line for tossing over tree branches
Bright marking tape to warn passers-by of guys and lines.
2M directional antenna w/tripod, mast, guy rope and pegs (Optional)
Vertical 1/4 wave or larger mag-mount / ground plane antenna, dual band 2M / 440
BNC or SMA to PL259 adapters if needed
UHF-UHF barrel adapters
Power Source
12V gel cell 75 A/H with charger
Vehicle with 12V battery and gas
20-30 amp switching power supply
50 ft extension cord
Multi-outlet power strip
Portable shack:
Canopy or shelter tent
Folding table and chair
Portable light
For public service events
Cooler with snacks and drinks
Folding table & chair
Umbrella (sun or rain)
In addition to a First Aid Kit, you should also consider having an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on hand in your emcomms deployment kit and know how to use it.