Dr. R.C. Anderson, Ph.D.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Amateur Radio Disaster Preparedness Scottish Kilts Scottish History & Heritage Smoking Pipes Martial Arts Road Cycling and much more

The Prepper's Library
I will be adding hundreds of articles, checklists, charts, and books below that you can download to help in your preparations. As I come across new relevant information I will add it below.
Entries highlighted in yellow are highly recommended reading and should be included in every prepper's personal library in printed form. A few items, which are marked in red, were over the 25MB size limit to allow direct uploading to the website, those items can be obtained directly from me, just send me an email request and I will send it right to you.
Please be responsible with the information contained below and be sure to follow any applicable local, state and Federal laws. Information is listed purely for academic purposes. I am not responsible for anyone's misuse of the information provided or of their actions which are beyond my control.
Food & Water
Preserving Wild Foods
Protection of Food & Agriculture Against Nuclear Attack - USDA
Hunting, Butchering, Cooking Wild Game - Vol 1 - Big Game
Hunting, Butchering, Cooking Wild Game - Vol 2 - Small Game
Urban Foraging - David Craft
Wild Edibles - Plants You Can Use When You're Out Of Food, Water, and Medicine
Health & Medical
Home Security
Military Manuals
Army Military Water Supply - MD0160 Ed.100
Army Survival Manual - FM 21-76 1992
Joint Service Survival - FM 21-76-1 MCRP 3-03H NWP 3-50.3 AFTTP(I) 3-2.26
USMC - The Individuals Guide for Understanding & Surviving Terrorism MCRP 3-02E
General Prepping & Homesteading
Build Your Emergency Supply Kit
The Complete Book of Underground Houses
Edible Wild Plants - John Kallas, PhD.
Outdoor Survival - A Game About Wilderness Skills
SAS Survival Handbook
Weapons & Explosives
Bombs IEDs and Explosives - ID, Investigation, and Disposal
Survival Fighting Knives
Survival Guns