RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Aug 11, 20194 min read
#139 - Is There Really A Food Shortage?
It seems every time I turn around I hear someone talking about the food shortage and wondering how bad it will get. Recently you can't...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Aug 1, 20194 min read
#132 - Why You Should Be Planting A Garden Now
I have heard many people say that they are prepared for a disaster or whatever SHTF situation may come. They boast about their preps and...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Jul 1, 20193 min read
In an SHTF situation many people are counting on their stored food supply to get them through. They have stockpiled up buckets full of...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Jun 25, 20195 min read
#107 - Which Canner Do I Need?
When someone is thinking about starting to use home canning to preserve their foods for long-term shelf-stable food storage they...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Jun 23, 20195 min read
# 106 - Can Canning Jars, Bands, and Lids be Reused?
I received a question from someone who noticed on a few of my videos that I use canning jars to store my tobacco in for long-term storage...

RC Anderson, Ph.D. - WH6FQE
Jun 18, 20193 min read
#105 - Counting On Friends or Neighbors After SHTF.
A friend of mine made a comment on Facebook on one of my postings about what they were going to do when the grocery store shelves were...

Jun 18, 20194 min read
#104 - Dehydrator or Freeze Dryer? What's The Difference? Part 2 - Freeze Dryer
In the last posting I discussed Dehydrators, so this time we are going to talk wbout Freeze Dryers and what makes them so different from...