# 30 - A New Chapter for Hawaii
We are in the beginning stages of getting a new REACT Team chartered here in Honolulu, the Oahu Emergency REACT Team.
Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams (REACT) are volunteers who are organized internationally and use radios to provide public service communications for travelers and their local communities.
REACT Teams also provide communications in response to emergencies and for community events. We utilize CB, UHF, VHF, Amateur, and other radio services.
REACT teams are a little different than ARES, RACES, SATERN, and other emergency communications teams. Just like these organizations, REACT teams provide communications services in emergencies and after disasters, but REACT teams are not limited to only providing communications services.
Many REACT teams also provide additional services to their communities such as traffic control for parades and marathons, first aid stations at public events, assisting with Search & Rescue, storm spotting,
Here is a 30 second PSA video courtesy of REACT International that shows some of what REACT teams do.
If you are interested in being part of the new Oahu Emergency REACT Team, visit their website at OahuREACT.org. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in serving their community and making a difference.
Licensed amateur radio operators are preferred but not required as we will also be providing training classes to assist those who are not licensed in attaining their amateur radio license from the FCC.


Previous Episode:
Coming Episodes:
In upcoming episodes we will take a look at Morse Code, Antennas, Handheld UHF/VHF Radios, Mobile UHF/VHF Radios and Emergency Communication (Emcomms).