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# 40 - False Sense of Security - Governor Ige and HI-EMA are Lying to You

According to Governor David Ige, and the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, or HI-EMA, if North Korea would attack Hawaii with a nuclear missile more than 90% of the population of Hawaii would survive.

They are basing their conclusions on the fact that there were survivors from both Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 when the United States, without warning, murdered hundreds of thousands of Japanese civilians and children by dropping two atomic bombs on their cities.

Lets take a look at a few things and see if they are drawing sound conclusions or not. First off, they are talking about a nuclear missile detonating on impact in Hawaii. This is where they make their first mistake. North Korea is not designing nuclear missiles to impact Hawaii. The nuclear bombs that he has been testing are not meant to be detonated at ground level, they are meant to be detonated in the ionosphere overhead where they can do the most damage by creating an Electromagnetic Pulse or EMP.

There have now been eleven independent studies performed by agencies and organizations from around the world who have all come to the same conclusions and the statistical numbers from all of their independent studies are almost identical. If the United States were hit with a Super EMP weapon detonated in the ionosphere, approximately 90-95% of the population of the entire continental United States would be dead within twelve months.

Second, lets take a look at the types of devices we are talking about. The bomb that the United States dropped on Hiroshima, known as "Little Boy" was a 15-kiloton uranium based bomb which detonated at an altitude of approximately 1968 feet. Three days later they dropped a 21-kiloton plutonium-based bomb on Nagasaki which detonated at approximately 1,650 feet in altitude.

Both of these bombs were designed for one specific function, to cause as much physical damage as possible to the cities. Basically to wipe the cities off the map. Both bombs succeeded in destroying about 70% of all structures in the cities and severely damaged between 7-10% more.

The nuclear bombs that North Korea have been testing are not designed for this type of destruction. They are not designed to wipe cities off the map, they are specifically designed to deliver a much more powerful blow to their targets by being lower-yield weapons and being detonated in the ionosphere, high above their target where they can produce a more effective Electromagnetic Pulse or EMP.

The most advantageous altitude for the detonation of a Super EMP weapon is between 200 to 300 miles above the ground.

In 1962 during the Starfish Prime high-altitude nuclear tests the United States detonated a nuclear bomb mounted in a Thor rocket approximately 900 miles to the West South-West of Hawaii at an altitude of approximately 250 miles above the ocean. This caused an EMP of which caused damage to electronics all the way in Hawaii almost a thousand miles away. This was not designed as a Super EMP weapon, this was just a large yield nuclear bomb yet the EMP effects reached almost a thousand miles away from the detonation site.

Radiation from this and other later high-altitude nuclear detonations are what caused the Van Allen Radiation Belts to form around the Earth which still exist today.

Third, both HI-EMA and Governor Ige believe that Hawaii is safe from an attack because we are such a very small target in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that North Korea would not be able to successfully hit us.

This would be true IF North Korea had to actually hit us with a missile to cause widespread destruction and death. As we just saw, for a Super EMP, they do not need or even want to hit us, they just need to be in the general vicinity of us and detonate between 200 to 300 miles above us in the ionosphere. They can be miles off course and still have a devastating impact at that altitude.

Because most people are listening to HI-EMA and Governor Ige, they believe in this false fantasy that they are safe from a North Korean missile. This is another reason that the death toll will be much, much higher than normal. No one is prepared for it. They all have their heads buried in the sand because the Governor and HI-EMA assured them that they would be safe.

The report that they are drawing their conclusions from barely even mentions EMP's at all, and does not even discuss the new Super EMP weapons that the United States has known for several years that North Korea has access to and has the ability to manufacture. These are the low-yield nuclear devices that North Korea has been doing their underground tests on recently.

With the multiple low-yield nuclear tests performed recently by North Korea, and the fact that they have ramped up their test firing of ballistic missiles which have definitively shown that they have both the range and accuracy of reaching Hawaii, and the embarrassingly dismal track record of the Pacific Missile Range Facility at Barking Sands at being able to track, intercept, and destroy a missile inbound to Hawaii, how long are you going to keep believing Governor Ige and HI-EMA and keep your heads buried in the sand and ignore the threat?


Previous Episode:

Coming Episodes:

In upcoming episodes we will also take a look at "Water Purification & Sanitization" as well as "Vacuum Sealed vs. Mylar Bagged Food Storage". We will also take a look at the shelf-life of "Home Canned Foods" and the viability of using them in our emergency supplies. We will also have future episodes on Emergency Communications or EmComms.

Also we will have an episode on the need for a Wilderness First Aid training even if you live in a city. We will also take a look at the need for "Sanitation After A Disaster".

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