#88 - Forming A New CERT Team
As one of the designated Block Captains of the Newtown Neighborhood Security Watch, I initiated discussions about forming a new Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) to better prepare the Newtown Estates Communities for disasters which may threaten the residents of our community. It was determined that we would move forward with the initial phase of forming a new CERT team for our communities.

Communities across the country depend on properly trained CERT responders to come to their aid after a disaster where other professional first responders such as police, fire, and EMS may not be able to reach the community for several minutes, hours or sometimes even days in the case of a large catastrophic event.
These CERT team members are trained to do light search and rescue, damage assessment, patient triage, and how to safely move patients to a triage area for further care and transport by EMS among other valuable skills.
We are currently in the planning stages and are gathering a list of residents who are either already CERT certified, or who wish to become CERT certified so that they can assist their neighbors in the event of a disaster or other emergency.
Once we have collected the names of the residents wishing to volunteer their time to help their community, we will work with the Department of Emergency Management to either schedule a private class for our uncertified residents, or to fit them into open scheduled classes.
FRS Radio frequencies will be assigned to each area so that CERT team members can communicate with each other and with the command post after a disaster. The safety of the CERT team members is our highest priority and having radio contact with all team members is extremely important for their safety. I will be coordinating the communications plans for the team to insure effective communications for their safety and team effectiveness.
As we move further along with getting the new CERT team set up I will make additional postings on its progress.
Until Next Time,
Aloha & 73